Track Activity In Real Time With The Spectur Security Camera Live Feed
Say the words ‘real time’ to a builder and you’re likely to get a laugh because there’s nothing more ‘real’ than time in an industry where you’re constantly working against the clock. However, when it comes to the live feed on your security camera – real-time viewing is no joke at all.
The ability to log into your security camera live feed from wherever you are is just one of the benefits of hiring or buying a Spectur system. The ability to view what’s happening on your site – as it’s actually happening – can save you time, money and hassle.
We use a 3G or 4G connection – whichever is available on your site – to constantly send the live feed from your cameras to our cloud-based storage system. Then you can log in to our system on your smart device and check things out at any time of the day or night.
The Benefits Of Having Live Feed Security Cameras
Spectur systems are great for sites of all sizes but particularly good for domestic and small commercial sites. Residential zoning areas are at a higher risk for trespassers and equipment thieves so this should be considered when you’re weighing up the need for security against the costs. Even in situations where margins are tight, you can’t really afford to take the risk.
The live feed function in Spectur Security Cameras means you can constantly monitor your vehicle’s, tools and materials without having to rely on expensive guard services or the occasional passing of a patrol car. It’s not a matter of having to watch the footage constantly yourself either. You can simply set the conditions or situations where you’d like an alert and trust us to do the rest. Whether it’s someone breaking and entering, rain falling on your freshly laid concrete – or even unusual stock movement, we’ll send you an alert the moment anything untoward happens so you take action straight away.
The great thing is that it’s a simple system built for fast and easy access on your phone, your tablet, or your desktop. You can see your site from any web-enabled device, wherever you are without having to download any access programmes. In moments of high alert, there’s no time for fumbling around with complex systems so we’ve made it as easy as possible on your end.
We’ve made sure the term ‘simple and easy’ can be applied to all of our systems. This is why Spectur solar security cameras don’t require any cable installation on your site either. We can simply set them up and you’ll be ready to go within 24 hours. There’s no need for a WIFI router to be switched on, or power sources to be wired in to allow our cameras to function. Our systems are fully solar powered with a backup battery that will cover you in case of bad weather.
Live Feed Security Cameras Foiled The Plans Of This Trespasser!
At the end of March 2017, one of our customers in Perth experienced a security breach on his site. The virtual eyes of Spectur’s cloud-based security cameras picked up the intrusion immediately and our monitoring centre alerted D & L builders that something was going on. After receiving an alert from Specturs monitoring station, the owner of the site logged in to see a trespasser still on his site and worked with our monitoring team to take immediate action. The Police were on site to apprehend the intruder before the guy knew he’d been caught and the best thing was – it was all on camera – so the intruder had no chance to dispute the charges. Watch the action unfold in the video below.
Having a security camera with the ability to record as well as give live feed and real-time monitoring puts you miles ahead of having a classic CCTV camera set up which will only record the crime without alerting anybody that it’s happening. Spectur Solar Security Cameras are like having a full-time security guard on site who never needs to rest or be paid overtime for protecting your assets! The great thing is that the Police respond very quickly to incidences where break-ins can be verified through live feed footage so our monitoring team plays a vital part in ensuring your site is safe.
Choose A Security Camera With Live Feed To Protect Your Livelihood
As you can see with the case of D&L builders a security camera with live feed is well worth the investment. With cloud-based storage and 3G/4G transmission of the footage, you don’t have to worry about power cuts taking out your WIFI connection or the risk of anyone tampering with your cameras to remove the evidence. You’ll have control of your site 24 hours a day from wherever you are. That’s what we call security!
Security that never sleeps!