Discover Secure Go: Cloud-based video surveillance solution

Secure Go: Australia's Premier VSAAS Platform

Secure Go is a cloud-based software solution for video surveillance networks, and is Australia’s premiere enterprise-grade VSAAS (Video-Surveillance-As-A-Service). Enjoy a simple plug & play set-up and flexibility to add and remove cameras and recording capacity at any time. From just 1 single camera to a thousand cameras, the platform allows you to seamlessly scale a network up or down as needed – with no onsite hardware or networking required, just plug-in and go. Making it perfect for mobile or remote cameras.

Secure Go is 100% private and secure, and already in operation with a number of Australian companies & government organisations who demand top-grade solutions. Just like renting a car, VSAAS saves you the time & money associated with owning and maintaining hardware and complex IP networks.

How Secure Go can assist you

Secure Go diverse industry applications


Universities and Schools

Local and State Governments


Secure Go Software Features

Connect Using 4G

Connect & Go

Secure Private Cloud

Milestone XProtect

Compare Secure Go

Features Standard CCTV network SecureGO
CCTV Management Software
Unlimited CCTV Cameras
Connect Direct using 4G
Centralise Multiple Locations To 1 Online Account
No onsite equipment or hardware required
Network Management Dashboard & Diagnostic tools
Secure Cloud storage in Australia on a private network
Unlimited video storage
Secure Data Connections to Cameras
Access Cameras from any device
People counting and other smart analytics options built-in
Automatic Failover

SecureGo is trusted by


Contact us

Whether your site challenge is simple or complex, speaking with a Spectur expert can help you solve it

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