Surveillance outside the box

Surveillance systems can help with more than just security. As cameras and sensors become more innovative, they can provide benefits for traffic control, smart cities, waste management, construction and much more.

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Surveillance Outside the Box

While surveillance cameras are designed to keep people and assets safe, they are capable of more than just security. Advances in technology mean surveillance systems can provide additional benefits to help improve a variety of areas and industries, including waste management, smart cities, accessibility, accountability and much more.

From cameras identifying number plates to sensors detecting pollutants in the air, surveillance systems offer solutions to solve different problems for organisations, local governments, and construction companies.

With advanced camera and sensor technology, Spectur systems are not just limited to security. Spectur’s range of camera and warning systems have a variety of applications and capabilities for capturing images, preventing intruders, detecting threats and warning people about dangers.

Whether it is deploying smart city infrastructure or managing landfill, Spectur camera systems can offer a new perspective on common problems.

Traffic control

Spectur camera platforms can actively monitor sites thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), allowing them to sense, think and act as situations arise. This is perfect for traffic and parking management on construction sites, private property, or public facilities.

Being able to monitor a site remotely in real-time means users can control who can enter certain areas. Sensors paired with surveillance cameras can recognise number plates to record access and egress. In particular, for restricted sites and areas, number plate recognition ensures only authorised vehicles can gain access.

Incorporating sensors and AI, Spectur camera systems can count every person and vehicle that enters a property or site to provide accurate records of who is entering and leaving, and at what time.

Collecting such information means organisations can understand when peak periods happen and take measures to ensure every person and vehicle can enter and leave safely. 

With a clearer understanding of vehicle numbers and peak periods, users can coordinate deliveries, contractors and logistics, all without having to be on-site all the time.

Smart cities

As more local governments endeavour to establish smart city infrastructure around their communities, smart surveillance and warning systems can help make communities not only safer but also more sustainable and accessible.

Spectur advanced systems can assist with smart city deployment using cloud-based wireless surveillance cameras. Spectur technology is fully wireless, enabling rapid deployment in locations where cabled power or internet is not available. This also allows trialling of smart city applications in areas prior to the commitment of cabling more permanent wired solutions.

Additionally, incorporating sensors means Spectur systems can detect noise, air quality, water levels, contamination and more, ensuring public spaces are safe and accessible for citizens at all times. 

Spectur platforms can also be used by third party smart city technology providers. Using the cloud-based data generated by Spectur’s sensing, thinking and acting platforms or even deploying edge-based software on the Spectur edge processors, third parties can avoid the need to design and deploy hardware by using Spectur.  

As councils develop smart cities, it’s important that the technology is sustainable. Spectur’s surveillance systems are all wireless with in-built solar panels and batteries for renewable power generation, making them a greener alternative to traditional surveillance.

Waste management

Keeping public spaces clean can be tedious and difficult when personnel have to manually monitor security camera footage or visit sites regularly to prevent illegal dumping and vandalism. But with Spectur’s active camera systems, personnel can remotely monitor unoccupied buildings or empty construction sites from anywhere and on any device.

Thanks to AI sensing, Spectur cameras can detect any people or vehicles that aren’t meant to be on-site and respond accordingly. Spectur systems can distinguish between real threats and false alarms, meaning they can respond immediately if someone attempts to damage property or dump rubbish.

Whether it’s triggering an alarm, broadcasting a warning or alerting authorities, Spectur systems can actively deter people from dumping waste or entering buildings.

Particularly for local governments, unattended landfill can pose environmental and safety risks. Autonomous surveillance and sensing systems ensure waste management facilities meet compliance requirements when it comes to landfill gas and pollutants.

Being able to remotely monitor waste levels and contamination with active cameras and sensors means local governments can keep both their communities and environment protected.


Aside from responding to incidents or threats, Spectur cameras can be relied on to keep people out of restricted areas and keep a record of whatever happens on site that can be used later.

With active surveillance, Spectur systems can prevent people from entering exclusion zones by broadcasting warnings when a person is detected approaching the area. There is no need for personnel to monitor exclusion zones themselves and high-risk activities can occur without being interrupted.

Additionally, Spectur cameras and sensors can ensure organisations and developers have footage of a construction site at all times for safety, inspection or insurance purposes. Spectur surveillance systems can capture everything that happens on-site, including accidents or incidents, which can be reviewed to identify the cause, those involved and what action to take next.

Being able to monitor sites can also help ensure all workers are working safely and using correct PPE, which can be difficult to manage unless you have eyes everywhere.

On top of that, construction projects have to comply with regulations when carrying out excavations, tunnelling, demolition and more. 

Pairing Spectur systems with sensors means crews can monitor noise, vibration, air quality and anything else required. Crews can keep an eye on noise levels or contaminants remotely via the internet or app to ensure they resolve issues immediately and meet their obligations.

Time-lapse videos

Another great feature surveillance cameras can offer is the ability to create time-lapse videos of sites and areas to view progress. With a simple adjustment of camera settings, Spectur systems can produce high-quality progress time-lapses.

For local governments, a time-lapse could show how people are using public facilities such as parks. At construction sites, time-lapse videos of developments can be used for promotion, to showcase capabilities for future projects or archival purposes.

Users can create time-lapses to monitor progress for a select period of time or across multiple projects, to check when tasks have been completed and milestones reached. Condensing multiple months down into a few minutes can offer a new perspective on a project as it develops.

More than just security

Surveillance and warning systems are capable of more than just security. While safety is important for local governments and organisations, sustainable and autonomous surveillance can resolve problems in a variety of additional areas.

Thanks to advanced technology, Spectur’s modular and flexible systems have a variety of capabilities suitable for traffic control, smart cities, waste management and construction.

When setting up surveillance systems, go beyond security and use smart surveillance to solve problems outside of the box.

For more information on using Spectur’s smart solutions to enhance community safety, download our whitepaper Sense, think, act: how smart technology is making communities safer hereor call 1300 802 960 and talk to our team about finding the right solution for your unique onsite challenges.

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